Artistic and general policy
- Actionwork® is:
- - a film, theatre, anti-bullying, empowering, social theatre and educative organisation
- - an equal opportunity employer
- - has a policy of employing people in terms of their skills and their merits, regardless of culture, class, gender, colour, creed, race, sexual orientation, age and disability
- - a local, national and international organisation
Actionwork’s work is based on respect. Within this the Company aims to break down barriers and restrictive attitudes in people and societies that are disrespectful.
Actionwork® has a commitment to cross-cultural exchange and communication, performs to anyone regardless of background, demeanour, situation or circumstance and will perform in any suitable conventional or unconventional venue provided.
Actionwork® members and workers work in partnership together with an emphasis on teamwork, are expected to be positive and professional at all times and must present Actionwork® and it’s members in a professional and positive light at all times.
- Actionwork® aims and has a commitment to:
- promoting educative, entertaining and high quality theatre and film
- showing the importance of action and groupwork activity in its programmes of work
- finding new styles of creative presentation and supporting activities
- developing programmes of work in conjunction with partners & clients
- being open and responsive to the views and aspirations of young people
- collaborating with schools, Local Authorities and other organisations