Free Anti Bullying Week Ideas.
The theme for anti-bullying week 2024 is "Choose Respect "
- Anti-Bullying week 2023 was held on the 13th November - 17th November 2023. The theme was that of "Make a noise about bullying"
- Anti-Bullying week 2022 was held on the 13th November - 17th November 2022. The theme was that of "Reach Out"
- Anti-Bullying week 2021 was held on the 13th November - 17th November 2021. The theme was that of "One kind word"
- Anti-Bullying week 2020 was held on the 13th November - 17th November 2020. The theme was that of "United against bullying"
- Anti-Bullying week 2019 was held on the 13th November - 17th November 2019. The theme was that of "Change starts with us"
- Anti-Bullying week 2018 was held on the 13th November - 17th November 2018. The theme was that of "Choose Respect"
- Anti-Bullying week 2017 was held on the 13th November - 17th November 2017. The theme was that of "All Different All Equal"
- Anti-Bullying week 2016 was held on the 21st November - 25th November 2016. The theme was that of "Power For Good"
- Anti-Bullying week 2015 was held on the 16th November - 20th November 2015. The theme was that of "Let's Make a noise About Bullying"
- Anti-Bullying week 2014 was held on the 21st November - 24th November 2014. The theme was that of "Let's Stop Bullying For All"
- Anti-Bullying week 2013 was held on the 19nd November - 23rd November 2013. The theme was that of "Safe, Fun and Connected"
- Anti-Bullying week 2012 was held on the 20th November - 24th November 2012. The theme was that of "We are better without bullying"
- Anti-Bullying week 2011 was held on the 21st November - 25th November 2011. The theme was that of "Stop Think Words Can Hurt"
- Anti-Bullying week 2010 was held on the 22nd November - 26th November 2010. The theme was that of "Taking Action Together"
- Anti-Bullying week 2009 was held on the 16th November - 20th November 2009. The theme was that of "Cyberbullying"
- Anti-Bullying week 2008 was held on the 21st November - 24th November 2008. The theme was that of "Being Different - Belonging Together"
- Anti-Bullying week 2007 was held on the 19th November - 23rd November 2007. The theme was that of "Cyberbullying and the community"
- Anti-Bullying week 2006 was held on the 20th November - 24th November 2006. The theme was that of the "Bystander"
- Anti-Bullying Week 2005 was held on the 21st November - 25th November. The theme for the week was "children and young people’s participation and involving children and young people in tackling bullying
There are many activities and events that you could do for anti-bullying week and outside of anti bullying week. Some of these are free and some of them cost money.
Activities or events that you could do yourself for free are listed below. We will continue to add to this list so check back regularly for more ideas.

Please contact us with your ideas for inclusion
Below are a range of free activities and ideas to get involved with for Anti Bullying Week
- Use your friends and other students to create a scene or a positive flash mob in the town centre to raise awareness of bullying
- Links and Transitions Project; Secondary and their feeder Primary schools join together for a day in anti-bullying week. An example of how this could happen is where a selection (suggest a group of 20 pupils) of current primary year 6 pupils create a short performance piece showing their concerns about bullying in Secondary school which is performed to a selection (suggest a group of 20 students) of Students from the Secondary school. Everyone involved then spend 90 minutes exploring the performance piece in an active way such as through role-play, circle time, and frozen imagery. The results can then be fed back to all schools involved through assembly or small group active discussion
- Set up an anti-bullying poetry competition - hold prize giving in anti-bullying week
- Get students to create their own anti-bullying policy which can be voted on by the school in assembly during anti-bullying week
- Create a series of anti-bullying assemblies during anti-bullying week. A different year group could lead the assembly each day of anti-bullying week
- Set up an anti-bullying poster competition - hold the prize-giving in anti-bullying week
- Join up with a local media arts college to create an anti-bullying radio station for anti-bullying week
- Create a school anti-bullying web site (if its good we might even host it for you for free)
- Create an anti-bullying festival. Get a variety groups of students within the school to each design/create a different kind of experience about bullying that can be showcased in the school during anti-bullying week. Experiences could include: anti-bullying songs, anti-bullying poems, anti-bullying shows, anti-bullying website, anti-bullying posters, anti-bullying stories, anti-bullying sculptures, anti-bullying films and so on. To make the day extra special invite along a local celebrity to host the festival.
- Inform the local community of your anti-bullying activities. Create art or performance pieces that students can perform or showcase at local schools and other venues during anti-bullying week.
- Invite peer mentoring programmes from local schools to make presentations in your assemblies during anti-bullying week
- Invite students to help you update your school anti-bullying policy
- Ask every student in the school to think of one idea to tackle bullying, which they write down on a piece of paper. You then collate all the answers, taking out similar ones, write up in to a document and present to the students
- As above but a selection of students present the ideas in an active way such as through a drama
- Have students write anti-bullying letters and other creative accounts of bullying which are sent to local media, press and MP's
- Create or update the schools anti-bullying resources for the students which can be highlighted during anti-bullying week. Resources can include anti-bullying telephone help-line, bully box, anti-bullying policy, peer mentoring programme, anti-bullying website.
- Hold an anti-bullying art competition
- Get teachers and students from each department in the school to create a different anti-bullying resource that can be presented during assembly in anti-bullying week. For example the maths department could research and create a list of bullying statistics. The history department could research and document a history of anti-bullying work in the local area, the drama department could create an anti-bullying show to be performed and so on
- Create an anti-bullying school magazine
- Join up with other schools in your area and organise an anti-bullying conference for the students
- Hold a 'Swap Roles' Day. Students teach the teachers about how they would like bullying dealt with in the school
- Update your school's anti-bullying policy - get a group of you together and agree what you want in the policy, then present these to your Head of Year or Head of school
Free anti-bullying week idea; Actionwork in conjunction with the Anti-Bullying Alliance can be found here.
Leading on Anti Bullying
If you have a budget, Actionwork can help you organise any or all of the following:- Your own in-house anti-bullying conference
- Specialist anti-bullying workshops
- Anti-bullying music competiiton
- Anti-bullying art or poster competition
- Anti-bullying week festival
- Anti-bullying week shows
- Anti bullying week films
- Anti Bullying Empowerment training
- Anti Bullying Strategies Workshops
If you are after a theatre-in-education anti-bullying programme then look no further than "The Anti Bullying Roadshow". Fantastic show combing creative workshop role-play, sound, lights, music that creatively deals with and raises awareness of bullying. To find out more see the main anti-bullying roadshow page
The ipoweri national anti-bullying conference produced by Actionwork See the 2006 programme details here. and watch Anti Bullying Television here.
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