Mental health links
All the links on this website are relevant to mental health and the work that I do. They are there to provide extra information, explain things in more depth or provide practical advice and guidance. I do not link to sites that are party political; or contain content which is unlawful, defamatory, obscene or offensive. I also do not normally link to sites that are not free to access. However, I am not responsible for the content of other websites linking to or from my own. A link between an existing website and that of mine does not indicate that I endorse the external website or its work. If you follow links to other websites, it is your responsibility to guard against viruses or other destructive elements. Remember that some external websites track your viewing habits when you visit them by using cookies or other methods.

General sites
- UK Government advice on well being and mental health.
- Boing Boing mental health resources for young people.
- What is resilience? All about resilience.
- Actionwork anti-bullying workshops and resources for schools.
- Anti Bullying Week information and resources.
- Neuro Dramatic Play (NDP) training and therapy.
- Ancient philosophers ideas on mental illness.
- What is resilience? All about resilience.
- The missing piece meets the big O. A short story by Shel Silverstein.
- Educating against hate and radicalisation. Free Lambeth resources.
Short Films
- The missing piece meets the big O. A short story by Shel Silverstein.
- Counselling in the jungle. A journey with neuro-dramatic play.
- Violence is futile and potential is possible. Interview with Geoff Thompson.
- Play and drama are 'the' mental health preservers'. Interview with Prof. Sue Jennings.
- Being happy. Interview with Titus Fasawe (Mr Happivator).
- The power of vulnerability with Brené Brown Ted Talk.
Interesting reads
- If you meet the Buddah on the road kill him with Ken Wilbur.