
Bleadon Village Plan

A questionaire about the future of Bleadon went out to residents in September 2005



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Use this link to take you to Bleadon Village Plan Website

Make sure your land is not being built upon: many of the landowners in and around Bleadon (like many landowners across the country) want to realise their lands potential into £'s profits - ie property development. Most of this land is outside the village fence. The village fence is currently protected by the Parish Council and no building outside it is allowed. It is important that the Parish Council keep protecting the village from the removal of this 'green'belt' type land. Losing this green land, bit by bit, could see us sucked in to being a suburb of Weston Super Mare. There are plenty of areas within the Village Fence that can be developed and built on without destroying our countryside. Check out this page for North Somerset Council Environmental and Housing plans, and here for a diagram of the Bleadon Village Fence